IceEyes – Heated Cameras For Harsh Environments
LoadTroll – Tension Measuring
The LoadTroll is a contained load measurement device used to remotely measure ten-sion in a line. The system consists of tension recorders, an internal datalogger, wireless transmitters and long-life battery supply. It can be used for load monitoring on power lines, bridges and other structures sensitive to high loads. The Loadtroll is easy to in-stall and has battery life of ten years. The communication system provides data to a server in near real-time to provide the client with critical data on demand.
IceTroll – Ice Density Measurement Tool
The IceTroll icing sensor is a device used to measure ice accumulation for various pur-poses. It can be used for load monitoring on power lines, bridges and other structures sensitive to ice loads. It can also be used to measure ice accumulation on wind tur-bines, to improve the accuracy of the de-icing system and to provide valuable infor-mation regarding the risk for ice throw. IceTroll is designed according to the ISO:12494 specification “Atmospheric icing of structures”. It can measure icing loads from 0-100 kg/m on a standard cylinder. The IceTroll is patented by Kjeller Vindteknikk.