June 12-14 this years World Wind Energy Conference (WWEC2017) takes place in Malmö, Sweden. Kjeller Vindteknikk will be present and will have three seminars during the conference (se below). We would love to see you in the audience and do not hesitate if you want to meet.
Time | Room | Title | |
Tue. 13/6 kl12:10 | High 2 | Johan Hansson | “Sensitivity of icing losses. Terrain versus elevation – a case study” |
Tue. 13/6 kl16:00 | High 2 | Erik Nordborg | “Reduce uncertainty in long-term corrections using appropiate reference data” |
Wed. 14/6 kl11:30 | High 2 | Johan Hansson | “Methods for long-term adjusting operational data in a post-construction energy yield analysis” |
Hope to meet you in Malmö!
Contact details to our representatives at the conference:
Erik Nordborg +46(0)703 105737 erik.nordborg@vindteknikk.com
Johan Hansson +46(0)722 339371 johan.hansson@vindteknikk.com